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Basic outline of tree – note shallow divergences (rapid radiation is a possibility?) Only 1 outgroup available with all 3 data sets, but other analysis up to 4 outgroups confirms monophyly of ingroup
Example of minor differences seen between nuclear and chloroplast data sets – no supported differences - parsimony showed largely similar results bar A. peruviana – this difference is not supported by Bayesian analysis, so attributed to better model specification rather than a real difference in position
Analyses support species groupings based on morphology
Spore morphology is usually consistent with species delimitation.  In one case the spore morphology is identical for two samples that are in different parts of the tree. Reason? Convergent evolution? Symplesiomorphy?  Interpretation?
Basic outline of tree – note shallow divergences (rapid radiation is a possibility?) Only 1 outgroup available with all 3 data sets, but other analysis up to 4 outgroups confirms monophyly of ingroup
Austrofossombronia is not monophyletic in this analysis.
Analyses support species groupings based on morphology