An Australian Government Initiative
Integrated Botanical Information System
Reporting Portal
Australian National Botanic Gardens
Australian National Herbarium
ANBG symbol Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research

Living Collections
Stock in ANBG/Booderee, either current or historical, where it is, lineage, Herbarium voucher, collection details and map
Stock in ANBG/Booderee, either current or historical, where it is, lineage, Herbarium voucher, taxa and accessions photo's.
Stock in ANBG/Booderee, either current or historical, where it is, lineage, SPRAT status, Clone totals, Taxon totals, Lineage, Herbarium voucher and collection details
Prop History
All historical and current propagation data from the Nursery, Seedbank and Booderee.
Propagation Trial Summary
Summarise all replicate results for a propagation trial.
Stock Totals
A summary of current stock in ANBG/Booderee, with totals of stock, collection details and a link to individual records
Plant Out List
List of stock planned for plant out to a place
Stock Allocation
Details of stock to support plant out allocation
Plant Name List
Plant records to identify what name is used across Living Collections (tag), Herbarium (determination or identification), APNI/APC (accepted name)
Herb Vouchers for stock
List of herbarium vouchers associated with stock and details of what is in the herbarium collection
Section Map
Section map with details of the current stock
Visitor Centre
Stock in ANBG/Booderee, only current, where it is and photo's of the taxa
Visitor Centre Map
Stock in ANBG/Booderee, only current, where it is and photo's of the taxa
Collection Management
Taxon low in number
Identify taxon whose quantity has fallen below the requested limit
Clone low in number
Identify clones whose quantity has fallen below the requested limit
Age Structure
Report the age of all current stock in the garden sections for ANBG or Booderee
Statistics by Situation and/or Taxon
Displays statistics for the collection based on situations and taxon names
Seedbank Statistics - data completeness
Displays statistics for the seedbank quantifying data completeness
Stock Death
Details of accession deaths to assess the reasons for death of stock in the collection
Discard Summary
Details of accessions discarded
Assessment Priority
Report assessment priority for collections, identify collections not yet assessed
Assessment Priority Section
Report assessment priority by section
Pest management
Pest and beneficial observations and treatments
Situation List
List of all situations including theme and purpose
No Herbarium Voucher
List of all collections (wild, known wild orgin) that are not supported by a herbarium voucher
Seed bank Management
Seed viability assessment report
Seed viability assessment report
Seed Retesting
Data to support seed re-testing program
Stocktake Status
List of stock for a situation and the most current stocktake details
Stocktake Activity
Summary of stocktake activity in a situation
Mapping Status
List of stock for a situation and the most current mapping details
List of NTNL (No tag, No label) issues identified at stocktake and their current status
Printable Maps
ANBG Section Map A0 (PDF)
ANBG Section Map A0 Gazetteer
ANBG Section Map A3 (PDF)
Australian National Herbarium Specimen Information Register
Herbarium specimen information including links to images and names
GPI extract
Extract GPI type data
GPI data
Check GPI data for errors
List suffixes
List all suffixes used for an accession number
Generic query to provide data for generating barcodes
Australian Plant Image Index
Register of all plant images held at ANBG
Register of all non-plant images held at ANBG (sections, people etc)
Family check
Identify genera that have more than one family recorded
ANHSIR check
Compare APII name and ANHSIR determination and report differences
APII Export Metadata
Metadata for export of images.
Australian Plant Name Index
Plant names including synonymy, references etc
Australian Plant Census
EPBC status of names in APNI, APC and SPRAT, including synonyms

Updated 9 November, 2022 , webmaster, ANBG (
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