
Acaciella sotoi L. Rico

Rico Arce & Bachman
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid
Vol. 63(2): 189-244
July-December 2006

Synonymy and types

Type: Mexico: Michoacán; Mun. Aquila, 7 km NO de  la Placita, 20 Oct. 1985, J.C. Soto 11203 (holotype,  MEXU!; isotypes, BM!, K!, MO!). 

Formal description

Shrub to 2 m tall, twigs and stems hirtellous-piloseStipules to 10 mm long, c. 1 mm wide, fugacious.  Leaves 11-16 cm long; petiole to 3 cm long; rachis 3-7  cm long, with hirtellous and sericeous hairs; with 3-4  pairs of pinnae; pinnae 3-9 cm long; paraphyllidia 1  mm long, fugacious; leaflets 5-7 pairs per pinna, 1.2-  2.8 × 0.7-1.5 cm, ovate-rhombic, base and apex acute,  brochidodromous venation evident on both surfaces,  but more so on the lower surface, puberulous above,  sericeous on the lower surface, coriaceous. Racemes in  terminal panicles, less frequently in axillary fascicles,  main rachis 10-15 cm long, with hirtellous and  sericeous hairs; peduncles 1-1.5 cm long, sericeous,  without pearl glands; 2 inflorescence bracts at the peduncle  base, these 8 mm long, linear-triangular, pilose,  fugacious, another bract about half way up the  peduncle, 1 mm long, sericeous; floral bract 0.7 mm  long, with sparse strigose and pilose hairs, clavate, fugacious,  very conspicuous when the inflorescence is  immature; pedicels 1 mm long, glabrous; flowers  white, when dry orange, in short racemes, 12-14 mm  in diam. at anthesis. Calyx 0.75 mm long, 5-lobed, the  lobes less than ¼ the length of the whole calyx, calyx  almost truncate, sericeous. Corolla 2-2.5 mm long, 5-  lobed, the lobes to more than half the whole corolla  length, sericeous. Stamens 4 mm long. Ovary 0.75 mm  long, glabrous, short-stipitate, the stipe shorter than  the ovary, c. 0.5 mm long; basal nectary 0.25 mm high.  Legume densely villose-pubescent, stipitate. Seeds not  seen.


Mexico: Michoacan endemic.

Additional info

Habitat. Medium stature deciduous forest (trees  above 20 m tall, but less than 35 m). Alt. 60 m.

Flowering time

Flowering in October; immature fruits  in October. 

Representative specimens


