
Senegalia painteri Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23:  117.  1928;

Synonymy and types

Acacia fusicarpa L. Rico, Acta Bot. Mex.  71:  91.  2005.  - TYPE:  MEXICO.  QUERÉTARO:  near Higuerillas, 23 Aug 1905, J. N. Rose, J. H. Painter, and J. S. Rose 9805 [holotype:  NY (MEXU photo); isotype:  US, NY].  NOTE:  Not to be confused with Acacia painteri (Britton & Rose) L. Rico-Arce (2001), which is based on Acaciella painteri Britton and Rose (1928).  For additional information on these two species see Glass (2003).